Neville Goddard Lecture, Self Abandonment

Self Abandonment

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Week after week, as I take this platform, I know what I want to say. It is merely finding out how to say it so that it is intelligible, for we are dealing with a mystery. It‘s not something you can spell out and say, ―Now this is it.‖ It‘s peculiar, the most fantastic mystery in the world. To me, to experience Scripture, to experience God‘s plan of salvation, is my interpretation of the whole purpose of life. That is what I firmly believe. I firmly believe that the roots of our ‘being’ are rooted in God, and God unfolds Himself creatively in us. When I make that statement, I put myself on the side of that which is being transformed, say, a man. For metamorphosis is the theme of the Bible. That is the complete transformation of man into God. When I make a statement as I have just made it, it seems that this is man, you and I are the man, being transformed by a means other than ourselves, and I don‘t mean that at all. But man is so conditioned to believe he is a little worm that you approach it from that angle. You and I are the God transforming man into our image, into our likeness. But then, if I said that to a large crowd, the curtain would come down and they wouldn‘t hear one word I had to say beyond that. But you and I took the plunge. We were the ―sons of God,‖ together making God, for the word God is a plural word. The word is Elohim. ―In the beginning God.‖ That word is Elohim; it is plural. And ―God said, Let us make man in our image.‖ The same word is Elohim. It‘s a compound unity, one made up of others. We are told in Deuteronomy that ―He has set bonds to the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.‖ No child can be born unless God occupies that little temple. These are the gods that came down. You and I are the gods that came down. We are transforming these identities, these men and women with which we are identified, into our likeness rather than being transformed by something other than ourselves. We are the gods that came down; and when we awake we are the gods spoken of in the very beginning. ―In the beginning God‖ ‘Elohim’, plural, the gods – ―created the heavens and the earth,‖ like creating a theater for the display of its might and its creative powers.

And then the God said, ―Let us make man in our image‖; so we came down and clothed ourselves in these garments. We aren‘t pretending. We completely abandon ourselves to these garments. The secret is self-abandonment. Never would you have made anything had you not loved it, – never! We so loved it; and so, having loved it, we commit ourselves to the object of our love and actually become it. Self-commission is the secret. Now we are told, ―Be imitators of God as beloved children‖; in this world we have forgotten who we are. Now comes the revelation: ―Be imitators of God as beloved children.‖ Just as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, now imitate that. But on this level, I feel myself Neville. But I know from experience, I am The One that became Neville, to transform this identity into my own Being, the Being that was, that has no beginning; and there was a plan that I set forth within myself when I buried myself in this being called ―Neville.‖ This is true of every one in the world. Now listen to this carefully. It is the first chapter of Ephesians. I am just quoting four verses; you‘ll find them within the first ten verses; so I have omitted just a few because they are not necessary for what I want to get over. ―God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world . . . He destined us in love to be His sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will,‖ ―He destined us in love … through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, … which He set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time.‖ (Ephesians 1: 4, 5, 9, 10) You listen to it carefully. Go home and you read it, in the first chapter within the first, I think it is the 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th verses of Ephesians. ―God chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.‖ So, we see that the salvation of man is not an afterthought of the Creator. It is prior to this historical process. Long before this was animated and became history – human history, this decision was made.

 So, our fitness is the consequence, not the condition, of His choice. So here, as Neville, I, the true Being, chose ―Neville.‖ I am going to ―play‖ Neville. You chose the being that you‘ve chosen and we came down into this and animated it, this historical process. We are the gods who made the decision. We are identifying ourselves with these garments; we are transforming these into ourselves. Now that is something that the world shuns against. They abhor it; because they do not realize that man, the man, can do nothing to save himself. There is not a thing that man as a man can do. It is the God who is buried within man who does it. As we are told in the letter to the Philippians: ―He‖, meaning God, ―who started the good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.‖ The ―day of Jesus Christ‖ is the unveiling of this plan in you, for Jesus Christ is in you. ―Christ in you is the hope of glory.‖ Were he not in you, then you would be a dead, dead body forever and forever; but the gods came down, and it takes all the gods, called ―the sons of God,‖ to form God. The One became fragmented into the many. One fell containing all. He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world. Do you get it? Before there was a world, we were. We are the gods. We are in the One Being that is known in Scripture as God; and we came down for one purpose: to expand our own creativity, and we do it by actually burying ourselves in humanity. Now, Crucifixion is either a demonstration of the most horrible failure in the world or the greatest success in the world. It has been proven that the seed that fell, which is called the Word of God and the Word of God is God, and that is God Himself.

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Neville Goddard, Summa Theologica, Manly P Hall, A Course In Miracles

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